
All presenters must register to attend. Meals are not included in the cost of registration.

Before 15 May 2024:
Faculty/Staff: 340,000 COP
Student: 200,000 COP

After 15 May 2024:
Faculty/Staff:  400,000 COP
Student: 240,000 COP

Conference Dinner:  80,000 COP

Please note that all prices are in Colombian Pesos (COP). Unfortunately, there is no financial support available. Registration Form:

You may make the payment either through PSE (for participants who have a Colombian account) or by using a credit card through Banco Davivienda (when paying, make sure it takes you to a webpage that starts like Please follow the instructions provided on the site to complete the payment process.

If you plan to attend the conference dinner, kindly ensure that you add the price to your registration fee.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts for poster presentations will be accepted until June 15, 2024.

Abstracts for contributed oral presentations will be given priority if they are submitted before April 15, 2024. Time for contributed oral presentations is limited, and those abstracts which we are not able to accommodate for a talk will be assigned to a poster.

Abstracts submission form:

Abstract submission details:

- Abstracts may be submitted anytime until the appropriate deadlines.

- The abstract body should be short (100–500 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.

- Mathematical symbols and equations must be typed in, and metric symbols should be used.

- Figures and tables cannot be included.

- Topic Abbreviations to be used are as follows:

1. Relativistic Astrophysics (RA)
2. Gravitational Waves & Multi-Messenger Astronomy (GWMA)
3. Cosmology / Early Universe / Dark Energy / Dark Matter (COS)
4. Gravitation and Astrophysics: General Topics (GA)
5. Other (OTH)

We welcome as well abstracts that may not easily fit into one of these sub-fields but that impact or are of interest within the overall topic of the meeting. For such abstracts, the authors should feel free to list their topic as "other".